High Linoleic Unrefined Safflower Oil and Flaxseed Oil in their virgin state.
Omega 6s and Omega 3s are the most powerful nutrients we can give our bodies. BodyBio Balance Oil is formulated with a ratio of four (4) parts omega 6 to one (1) part omega 3. Taken in this ratio, these nutrients positively impact brain function, digestive health, immune support, liver function and cardiovascular activity.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has endorsed the 4:1 ratio as the optimal balance of Essential Fatty Acids.
Essential Fatty Acids are Essential for Life.
+ Low temperature expeller-pressed unrefined safflower and flaxseed oils
+ Non-GMO and certified organic.
+ No additives, preservatives, bleaching agents, deodorants, or hexane extraction.
+ Contains 0g trans fatty acids.
+ Vegan - Derived from 100% plant based oils.
* This product is considered a Heat Sensitive Product, which may be affected by extreme heat while shipping during the summer months. To learn more, click here.
BodyBio Research: Balance Oil - 4:1 Ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3
Supplement Facts
What is BodyBio® Balance 4:1 Oil used for?
Essential Oils (EFA's) are simply essential. We must consume them or we will not survive. Today's food supply (supermarket stuff) is out of balance-the oils that are on the shelf are not correct for optimum health. There is usually little to no omega 3. Or, there is too much omega 3, such as found in plain flax oil. Quite simply, we need enough fatty acids, in the right balance, for the human body to function consistently & properly. The correct ratio has been thoroughly researched and is 4:1 (4 parts of omega 6, linoleic acid, to 1 part of omega 3, linolenic acid).
What is the recommended dosage of BodyBio Balance Oil?
10 BodyBio® Balance Oil capsules should be taken daily, preferably with protein.
What, exactly, is protein?
An easy way to remember what protein is: "protein is anything that moves". That would include animals & fish. Some cheeses, soy, and beans are also high in protein.
Why should BodyBio® Balance Oil to be taken with Protein?
The cell membrane is a 50/50 combination of lipids & proteins. Mixing BodyBio® Balance Oil with Protein protects the sensitive oils & is a good way to try to reproduce the natural structure of foods.
What are the ingredients?
BodyBio® Balance Oil is a blend of organic cold pressed safflower and flax oils in a scientifically determined blend of a 4:1 ratio of omega 6 to omega 3.
Are there any side effects from taking BodyBio® Balance Oil?
No side effects have ever been reported to us.